Phone numbers and opening hours

Office address
Head Office: Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 558
Opening hours and contact channels
Our head office is open daily from 08:00 to 23:00*. Alternatively, you can contact us through our WebChat, WhatsApp or Email:
*All our guests have access to a 24h assistance phone line for any emergency or problem that may occur during their stay.
Barcelona local time
The office is
Contact us
We speak English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Dutch, Arabic and Chinese
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Children (4-16) remove_circle_outline 0 add_circle_outline
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Opening hours and contact channels
Our head office is open daily from 08:00 to 23:00*. Alternatively, you can contact us through our WebChat, WhatsApp or Email:
*All our guests have access to a 24h assistance phone line for any emergency or problem that may occur during their stay.